Monday, March 20, 2006

Book Review Scores

Below is a description of each review category. Each category is rated on a scale of 1-3. Each score is based solely on the opinion of the reviewer.
Enjoyment Score
The enjoyment score is a measure of how much I personally like a book. A 1,2 or 3 is an acceptable score. I read fiction books for enjoyment. If I am not enjoying or cannot get into a book, I usually don't finish it. I will not review any books that I do not read completely. Also, I do not want to use this site to berate any books. Many times I read great reviews for a book and then find that I don't enjoy it. As I've said in an earlier post, we all have different tastes and this site contains reviews of books that I like and enjoy.
1 A good book and I recommend it to readers.
2 A great book and I highly recommend it to readers.
3 A fantastic (exceptional, outstanding, terrific, etc.) book and I highly encourage you to read it.
The next two scoring categories are Faith and Purpose. Neither category has a good or a bad score associated with it. Both of these categories are to inform the reader about the content of the book.
Faith Score
There are many types of books labeled "Christian fiction." If you pick up a Christian fiction book, you know that the book will not contain crude language, graphic violence or explicit sex scenes. One thing that can vary widely in Christian fiction books is the amount of faith (I am using the term "faith" to include faith, christian principles, the gospel message, etc.) displayed in each book. I have read multiple articles and posts expounding on Christian fiction in general. I find that there are basically two schools of thought on this subject. You either like Christian fiction because of the faith displayed in a book or you don't like Christian fiction because of the faith that is displayed. The faith score is a measure of the faith found in each book. Personally, I like books with a high faith score and learn a lot about living the Christian life from them.
1 A good clean book with little or no faith prinicples found.
2 Faith principles are evident throughout the book but are not the main plot or focus of the storyline.
3 Faith principles are an integral part of the characters and/or plot; however, the faith or Christian principles may or may not be the purpose of the book.
Purpose Score
The Bible contains numerous parables and stories that Jesus used to help us understand various principles of the Christian life. This same principle is used by numerous Christian fiction authors who write not only for our entertainment but, for our education.
1 A book written primarily for entertainment.
2 A purpose/s is somewhat evident in the book.
3 The purpose/s of the book are clearly evident and often make a lasting impression on the reader.
The last two score categories are self explanatory.
Page-turner Score
1 A book that I read at a slow or slower than normal pace.
2 A book that I read at a normal pace.
3 A can't put down, have to find out what happens, read in a day book.
Tearjerker Score
1 No tissues required.
2 Produces an occasional tear, one or two tissues required.
3 A real tearjerker, keep the tissue box handy.

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